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Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society

platinum excellence banner

University of South Alabama Recognized as a Phi Kappa Phi Circle of Excellence Platinum Chapter

The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi—the nation’s oldest and most selective collegiate honor society for all academic disciplines—recently recognized the University of South Alabama chapter of Phi Kappa Phi as a Circle of Excellence Platinum Chapter, the highest commendation a chapter can receive from the organization. The award is given to chapters that exceed expectations in chapter operations and who demonstrate sustainability and vitality as a chapter of Phi Kappa Phi.

The Circle of Excellence program was introduced in 2018. The program recognized 74 chapters this year, including 13 with the Platinum distinction. Phi Kappa Phi currently has chapters on more than 325 select campuses in the United States, its territories and the Philippines.

“The cornerstone of Phi Kappa Phi is constituted by our chapters and officers. We take immense pride in acknowledging and celebrating the chapters that embody our mission by presenting them with the Circle of Excellence Awards. Let the love of learning continue to rule,” said Society Executive Director and CEO Dr. Bradley R. Newcomer.

The Circle of Excellence Platinum honor is given to chapters who scored a perfect 100 on a criteria scale that evaluates chapter health indicators. By receiving the Platinum distinction, the USA chapter is recognized as a thriving organization that holds annual initiations, upholds the Society Bylaws, regularly attends chapter training opportunities and submits a chapter-endorsed nominee to the Phi Kappa Phi Fellowship Program.

Chapters achieving the Circle of Excellence Platinum distinction receive:

•       a commendation letter from the Society sent to chapter officers and campus administration

•       special recognition on the Phi Kappa Phi website

•       specially-designed logo for use in chapter communications

•       a cash award

To learn more about the Circle of Excellence program, please visit www.phikappaphi.org/2024Excellence.

Ivy and Addison award photo

Congratulations to Ivy Nguyen and Addison Stevens for receiving Phi Kappa Phi National Awards

Ivy Nguyen was awarded the 2023 Marcus L. Urann Fellowship

Addison Stevens was awarded the 2023 Study Abroad Award

Learn more.

Phi Kappa Phi 2023-24 Award Recipients 

Kevin WestSusan Fitzsimmons


The University of South Alabama Chapter of the Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi proudly announces the 2023 Scholar of the Year, Dr. Kevin West, Professor in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering.

The University of South Alabama Chapter of the Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi is excited to announce that Dr. Susan Fitzsimmons, Department Chair of Art & art History, is the recipient of our 2023 Artist of the Year award. 

"Let the love of learning rule humanity."

Phi Kappa Phi Chapter #194

Phi Kappa Phi was born different. In 1897, 10 senior students, 2 faculty members and the University of Maine president created a new kind of honor society, one that recognized excellence in all academic disciplines. Under the leadership of student Marcus L. Urann, the group formed the Lambda Sigma Eta Society, later renamed Phi Kappa Phi from the letters of the Greek words forming its motto, Philosophìa Krateìto Photôn, "Let the love of learning rule humanity." Today, Phi Kappa Phi recognizes and promotes academic excellence in all fields of higher education and engages the community of scholars in service to others.


 Learn more about joining Phi Kappa Phi at USA.